What Is Legal Guardianship in Colorado?
A guardian appointed by the court can make decisions on behalf of another person when that person is incapable.
A minor child may be appointed a guardian if the child's parents cannot provide a safe home environment. A guardian may also be appointed for an adult if he/she is incapacitated.
How Do You Become a Legal Guardian in Colorado?
To file for legal guardianship, you must first file a petition for guardianship in the district county court of the ward's residence. There is a filing fee of $166.00.
If the ward lives in Denver, the petition must be filed in probate court. If the ward is an incapacitated adult, the petition must be accompanied by medical documentation verifying the incapacity.
An investigator is appointed by the court to evaluate the ward and the fitness of the guardian before issuing a recommendation to the court. The court then convenes a hearing and rules on the guardianship petition.
How Can a Lawyer Help Me With my Legal Guardianship?
Anyone who disagrees with a guardianship can file an objection with the court.
In the case of guardianship of a minor, extended family members or estranged biological parents may try to contest the guardianship. In such cases, it is usually necessary to hire an experienced attorney who will protect your rights.
If you have questions regarding legal guardianship in Colorado, reach out to the Law Office of Eric M. Edwards today!